Transport & Treatment of hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste
Transport & Treatment of hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste
Properly managing hazardous and non-hazardous waste is crucial to protecting public health and the environment. Our engineering services include transport and treatment solutions that are fully compliant with DENR Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) standards. With our partners- accredited Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) facility, you can trust that your waste is handled responsibly and ethically.

Category B thermal treatment for: Acid wastes (B201-B299), alkali wastes (C301-C399), inks, dyes, paints, pigments, latex, adhesives, organic sludge (F601-F699), waste organic solvent (G703-G704), putrescible/organic wastes (H802), oil contaminated materials and containers (J201), immobilized wastes (K301-K303) and miscellaneous wastes [pathogenic or infectious wastes (M501), pharmaceutical wastes and drugs (M503)] and waste pesticide (M504)
Category D recycling facility for: Used oil (I101), waste vegetable oil and sludge (I102), tallow (I103), oil contaminated materials (I104), WEEE (M506), waste halogenated and non-halogenated organic solvent (G703-G704)
Category E facility for: Acid wastes (B201-B299), alkali wastes (C301-C399), busted fluorescent lamps/bulbs/ CFLs (D407), empty contaminated containers (J201) Category F facility for: Used lead acid batteries (D406)
NOTES: It's important to note that waste categorization can vary by region and is subject to local regulations. What is considered hazardous or non-hazardous waste may differ depending on the specific definitions and guidelines provided by environmental authorities in your area. Proper disposal and handling of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste are essential to protect human health and the environment.