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Design & Build: Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment

Our Water Treatment System design and build service includes everything from feasibility studies and concept design to detailed engineering and construction management. Our team uses the latest technology and industry knowledge to provide a comprehensive solution to optimize your water treatment system's performance, minimize downtime, and reduce costs. We'll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your Water Treatment Plant is designed and built to the highest standards.


Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your objectives.

Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)

Efficient and effective wastewater treatment is essential to protect both public health and the environment. Our wastewater treatment plant design services provide reliable customized solutions for both Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). Our innovative designs prioritize eco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness.

Biological Purification

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR):

  1. High Treatment Efficiency: MBBR systems provide effective removal of organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus from wastewater, making them suitable for various contaminants.

  2. Compact Footprint: MBBR systems have a small footprint compared to traditional treatment methods, allowing for more flexible plant design and installation in limited space.

  3. Robust Operation: They can handle fluctuations in organic load and hydraulic flow, making them resilient to changes in influent wastewater conditions.

  4. Low Energy Consumption: MBBR systems generally require less energy for aeration and mixing compared to other wastewater treatment technologies.

  5. Reduced Sludge Production: MBBR systems generate less sludge, which reduces the cost of sludge handling and disposal.

  6. Ease of Operation and Maintenance: These systems are relatively simple to operate and maintain, requiring less operator intervention.

Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR):

  1. High-Quality Effluent: MBR systems produce treated water with high clarity and low turbidity, making it suitable for reuse and discharge in sensitive environments.

  2. Compact Design: MBR combines biological treatment and solid-liquid separation in a single step, reducing the need for separate clarifiers or sedimentation tanks.

  3. Improved Pathogen Removal: MBR systems effectively remove pathogens, enhancing public health protection.

  4. Reduced Footprint: They often require less space compared to conventional treatment methods due to the absence of settling tanks.

  5. Enhanced Nutrient Removal: MBRs can be configured to achieve efficient nitrogen and phosphorus removal.

  6. Long Membrane Lifespan: With proper maintenance, MBR membranes can have a longer lifespan, reducing replacement and operational costs.

Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR):

  • Flexibility: SBR systems can be easily adapted to handle different influent characteristics and load variations by adjusting the operational sequence.

  • High-Quality Effluent: SBRs provide consistent effluent quality and excellent removal of organic matter and nutrients.

  • Reduced Footprint: They often require less space than continuous flow systems because of their batch processing nature.

  • Energy Efficiency: SBRs can be designed for energy-efficient operation, with opportunities for aeration optimization and energy recovery.

  • Reduced Sludge Production: SBRs produce less excess sludge compared to some other treatment methods.

  • Automation and Control: SBRs can be automated to a high degree, which allows for precise process control and monitoring.

  • Each of these wastewater treatment systems has its unique advantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific needs and constraints of the treatment facility and the desired treatment outcomes.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Don’t settle for anything less than the best, especially when it comes to something as important as water. Our Water Filtration System is designed to provide both commercial and residential with optimal water quality. Our team of expert engineers has developed a cutting-edge system that removes impurities and contaminants, guaranteeing that you’re getting the best water possible.

Water Filtration System

Digital Water Testing

1. Sediment Filtration: This involves passing water through filters to remove larger particles and sediments.

2. Activated Carbon Filtration: Activated carbon filters are used to adsorb organic compounds, chlorine, and other impurities from water.

3. Reverse Osmosis (RO): RO systems use a semipermeable membrane to remove a wide range of contaminants, including salts, heavy metals, and some microorganisms.

4. Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection: UV light is used to disinfect water by inactivating microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.

5. Chlorination: Chlorine is added to water to disinfect it and kill harmful microorganisms. It is a common method for treating drinking water.

6. Ozonation: Ozone is used to disinfect water and remove organic and inorganic impurities. It is an effective oxidizing agent.

7. Coagulation and Flocculation: Chemicals are added to water to create flocs that bind together particles, making them easier to remove by sedimentation or filtration.

8. Ion Exchange: Ion exchange resins are used to remove ions like hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium) from water.

9. Electrocoagulation: Electrical current is applied to water to destabilize and aggregate particles for removal.

10. Desalination: Desalination processes, such as distillation and multi-effect distillation, are used to remove salt from seawater to produce freshwater.

11. Aeration: Aeration systems introduce air or oxygen into water to remove volatile compounds like hydrogen sulfide and to improve taste and odor.

12. Biological Filtration: This method uses beneficial microorganisms to break down and remove contaminants from water, often in natural or constructed wetlands.

13. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF): DAF systems use air bubbles to float and remove solids and oils from water.

14. Slow Sand Filtration: Water is passed through a bed of sand, where microorganisms and physical processes help remove impurities.

15. Chemical Precipitation: Chemicals are added to water to cause the precipitation of contaminants like heavy metals and phosphates.

16. Magnetic Water Treatment: Magnetic systems are used to condition water, altering the behavior of ions and reducing scale formation.

17. Ultrafiltration (UF) and Microfiltration (MF): UF and MF membranes are used to remove particles, bacteria, and some macromolecules from water.


Our team of experienced environmental consultants is committed to providing sustainable solutions for businesses of all sizes. We have extensive expertise in wastewater management and DENR compliance, and our services are designed to improve your sustainability and efficiency. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business.

Environmental Consultancy


Preparation of Environmental Studies and Reports for the issuance of ECC.

  • EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) IEER (Initial Environmental Examination)

  • EPRMP (Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan)

  • IEE Checklist

  • Preparation of Environmental Studies and Reports for the issuance of ECC.

  • DP (Discharge Permit) PTO (Permit to Operate for APSE) Hazardous Waste Generator I.D.

  • Assistance to Pollution Control Officers in preparation of their Quarterly and Semi-Annual Reports submitted to DENR-EMB and LLDA

  • Facilitates Proponent/PCO with their Application to Permit to Operate for Internal Combustion, Pressure Vessels, etc. to DOLE

  • Intermediate consulting services on matters related to the ECC application, compliance to the conditions listed on the ECC and on applicable environmental laws.

  • Orientation sessions for PCO and/or with officers concerned regarding EIA System and other specific regulations.

  • Monitor, evaluate, test & analyze wastewater/sewage treatment plant effluent laboratory analysis.

  • Air Emission for APSE



Technical & Maintenance Services

Ensuring that your water treatment system is running smoothly is crucial to your business operations. Technical and Maintenance Services provides a comprehensive suite of technical services, from engineering analysis to routine maintenance, that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering the highest level of service to keep your operations running seamlessly.

Technical & Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance on STP/WWTP Process Equipment.​

Cooling Tower Maintenance

  • Cooling tower operations and maintenance

  • Descaling activities

  • Scale and Corrosion Prevention

  • Implementation of Water Treatment  Program

Boiler Operations and Maintenance

  • Boiler Operations and Maintenance

  • Descaling activities

  • Scale and Corrosion Prevention

  • Implementation of Water Treatment  Program


  • Treatment program for kitchen grease traps

  • Removal of oil and grease

  • Application of cultured bacteria

Department Order No. 123 , Series of 2017 

DPWH Standard Specification for ITEM 1604 - Water Treatment Plant (WTP)

1604.1 Description This Item covers the provision and installation of a complete modular/skid-type Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This shall be capable of treating actual water quality of surface water source based on the results of water analyses conducted and whose output water quality shall comply with Philippine National Standards (PNS) for Drinking Water. The entire treatment system may comprise of, but not limited to, Pre-Filtration Treatment System, Activated Carbon Filtration, Water Softener System and Ultra-Filtration System or other approved treatment processes that are applicable to deliver the required water quality for drinking water.


1604.2 Material Requirements

1604.2.1 Pre - Filtration Treatment System The Pre-Filtration Treatment System shall be composed of a Fiberglass or Composite Media Tank, Bronze or Plastic Control Valve (top-mount), PVC Control Valves (front-mount) and timer motor/controls. The system must use an Activated Filter Media (AFM) from pure green and brown glass and manufactured under ISO 9001 :2008 quality system. It must exhibit a self-sterilizing property. It must be compliant with the international standard NSF/ANSI 61 (NSF-61), and must bear a Water Quality Association (WQA) Gold Seal Certification for Drinking Water System Components.


1604.2.2 Activated Carbon Filtration

The Filter Tanks shall be made of Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic (FRP or GRP) and the Activated Carbon Filters shall be Certified Food Grade compliant. It shall be equipped with an automated valve of approved rated capacity based on the actual need and conditions, flow meter and pressure gauges. Its control system shall be soft start Human Machine Interface (HMI), Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), and its backwash pump shall have a rated capacity based on actual design requirements.


1604.2.3 Water Softener System

The Raw Water Pump shall have a rated capacity adequate enough to deliver the required volume of water. The bag filter shall also have a rated capacity that is consistent with the requirement of the entire system. The resin shall be certified by the WQA to NSF/ANSI-61 Standard. Its particle range shall be 300 to 1,600 μm and its specific gravity shall be 1.17.


1604.2.4 Ultra-Filtration System

The ultra-filtration system shall be capable of processing feed water with up to 500 parts per million (ppm) total suspended solids (TSS) at 25°C and Turbidity of < 15 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU). It must be equipped or must have the following features: Hollow-Fiber or Ceramic Ultra-Filtration (UF) Membranes, Stainless Steel Pumps, Valves, Pressure Gauges, Corrosion-Resistant Piping, 3-Phase Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) Motor, Automatic Backwash System (Hollow-Fiber Only), Filtrate and Concentrate Flowmeters, Total Automatic Operation with PLC Control, Self-Backwashing Sediment Strainer and Turbidity Meter.


1604.3 Installation Requirements

All components of the water treatment system such as tanks, pumps, valves, motors/controls and other similar equipment and appurtenances shall be located and so installed to meet the requirements for sanitary protection of water quality, hydraulics of the system and protection against interruption of service by fire, flood or any other hazard. In this case, all equipment shall be elevated at least 16 cm above finished grade and all floors shall drain in such manner that the quality of the potable water will not be endangered. Electrical controls shall be located above grade. Plug-and-play of individual parts shall be done in good workmanship. Installation shall be watertight. Supervision by a representative of the manufacturer shall be provided as to the assembly of all mechanical equipment! appurtenances at the time of installation and initial operation. 1604.4 Water Quality Output Testing Requirements The water treatment system shall deliver the required water quality based on the standard parameters set forth in the Philippine National Standards (PNS) for Drinking Water and shall therefore pass the permissible level of parameters or elements for microbiological, chemical, physical and radiological quality as shown on the succeeding tables.

The Water Quality Test or Water Analyses shall be conducted duly by a Department of Health (DOH) Accredited Testing Laboratory if not by a World Health Organization (WHO) Accredited Laboratory, to verify compliance to PNS.

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